10 Pinterest Strategies You Are Not Following Yet

With 47 million users of which 83% are women, Pinterest is the fastest growing social media network. If you are using it, but not effectively, you may be missing out on the benefits that this social media can bring to you. It is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the millions who visit it regularly without a miss.

Here is a list of all the Pinterest strategies that you can employ to reap extraordinary benefits

The position of the pin

Do you know that the pins which are placed at the top or second row of the boards are viewed the most? No, then this might be the reason you are not getting any repins or comments as anticipated. Place these pins at the position said and see the results.

Know thy followers

Are you aware of the people who are following you. By saying this, I don’t mean their names. You need to know about the time they are active, their likes, interests and other related things. In other words, you must know what all efforts are paying off and what should be the future strategy. For this, you must verify your website on the settings to get an access to the Pinterest Analytics.

Pin Percentage Matters

According to a statistics, 40% percent of the pins should be inspirational and motivational, 40% instructional and educational and the rest of the 20% should be about your brand and everything related to it like contests, coupons and special pins related to it. This should be the strategy.

Feature yourselves

There should be at least one board that contains or features your work. This is important because if someone wants to follow you, he should know which work is yours.


Most of us don’t do it. When we see that there isn’t any activity on our pin, to make sure that it reaches its destination, pin it again. Try pinning be at a different time or on a different day.

Share your story

People are interested in knowing you and what better way to do it than telling your story. Create a board that contains your story through the right images.

Video galore

Pinning videos is like hitting the bull’s eye. You tube videos can be embedded and watched on the site. If you haven’t done it yet, do it now.

Go Colorful

Red, dark Green and Pink are the colors that interest Pinterest users. Pins of these colors get the most number of likes and repins, i.e., 3x. Next to this are red and orange colored pins, they get 2x number of likes and repins. Images with just 50% color are re-pinned 4x more than the pins with 100% color or black and white images.


Oh, yes. Collaboration is a great way of getting new audience and followers. It will give your pin a lot of exposure. For this, contact the owner of the board you want to join or look for information; sometimes the owners leave information how to join a particular board.


How often do you do that? It is important. Is it looking good in terms of combination? Are they appealing? Make sure they don’t have bad resolution and convey bad user experience.

Try these strategies and get the results you wanted from Pinterest.

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